Join up to play Apostasy Survivor!


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Play Apostasy Survivor!


Apostasy Survivor









Registered Members

1. Tamz
2. Brian
3. Jones
4. Prick
5. Bing
6. MichaelMXC
7. Emily
8. mollyk
9. Ben
10. Welt
11. Creep
12. Eet
13. Scar
14. Mud
15. Teik
16. Baph
17. Aeq
18. Hector
19. Ausar
20. Barrett
21. Candice
22. Noski
23. Werd
24. Maux
25. Sprink
26. Ashwing
27. Bunz
28. Daedalus
29. Dawnie
30. ReactoR

Still time to join!



Register now for Apostasy Survivor!

To be eligible, you must be a member of A ROOM FOR APOSTASY, be available for weekly vote-offs and team / individual challenges.

To register, fill in the contact form below:




Rules for Apostasy Survivor Game (subject to finalization Saturday Feb 11)

1.   All members and only members of A ROOM FOR APOSTASY are eligible.
2.   Teams (then later, individuals) compete for a weekly Immunity Challenge.
3.   Votes are Secret Ballot.
4.   You can discuss your vote, before or after voting.
5.   You can lie about your voting
6.   All votes will be revealed after the game is over
7.   Teams win immunity from votes by winning Immunity Challenges issued Mondays.
8.   If a member refuses to vote for two successive weeks, they are disqualified.
9.   Vote-offs from each team will be once per week, with one team earning immunity each time
10. How to deal with tie votes is still being determined
11. Ties will be dealt with first, by recourse to any points accrued in the weekly Immunity Challenge favouring members who participate.  If a tie persists despite this measure, that team's members not in jeopardy of leaving will be contacted immediately for a second vote, between the tied members.  If a tie persists beyond these measures, recourse to an online random algorithm generator such as will be used.
12. Ties will be further mitigated and hopefully stratified by compelling teams to vote for 2 candidates for removal, rather than just one, imposed multilaterally, as deemed necessary.
13. There will be likely 4 teams to begin with, then as members are voted off and team sizes dwindle, larger teams will absorb smaller teams, so that there will be then 2 teams.  As members are continually voted off, when there are 9 or less members left in the game after a Saturday vote, teams will be abolished and it will be every member for themselves.
14.  These final teamless members will be the ones who decide between the final 2 Apostasy Survivors, in the Final Vote.


Immunity Challenges

Immunity Challenges for Teams (then later for Individuals) will be done weekly.  Teams that win the weekly challenge will win Immunity from being voted off Apostasy Survivor that week.  Challenges will be issued weekly on Mondays here on this website and in A ROOM FOR APOSTASY, and Apostasy Survivor Teams will have until the following Thrusday (11:59EST) to complete the challenge, but the first team to deliver, or the team that delivers the most requirements, wins that challenge.



Teams that lose the weekly Immunity Challenge will be voting off their own members from Survivor Apostasy, then later, once teams have been whittled down, it will be every man for himself.  Votes will be conducted through email, and only votes from registered members will count.  Votes will be done weekly, on Saturdays, and published here on Sundays.  The next day another Immunity Challenge is issued.  Any members who are not able to vote for any particular week, can still play Apostasy Survivor, but lacking a vote any week will increase your chances of being voted off Apostasy Survivor. Any player not participating in two successive weekly votes, will be disqualified.



Teams will be decided and published Saturday February 11th.  Teams will be structured based on a variety of factors including... to inhibit natural friendship based voting blocks, to balance capacities and inclinations of members who are likely to participate in challenges, to spread traits such as intelligence, competitiveness and tenacity, distributed approximately evenly across teams.

















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